Safran to open new factory in Hyderabad
Safran to open new factory in Hyderabad
© Safran Electrical & Power

publié le 12 mars 2018 à 10:40

10 mots

Safran to open new factory in Hyderabad

Safran is opening a factory to manufacture electrical wiring interconnection systems in Hyderabad, and CFM International is expanding its nearby training facility.

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12/03/2018 10:40
10 mots

Safran to open new factory in Hyderabad

Safran is opening a factory to manufacture electrical wiring interconnection systems in Hyderabad, and CFM International is expanding its nearby training facility.

Safran to open new factory in Hyderabad
Safran to open new factory in Hyderabad

To read this article, go to Air & Cosmos International.

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