Head of the Project Management Unit

Head of the Project Management Unit
The Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (CAJU), based in Brussels, Belgium
is looking for candidates to establish a reserve list for the
Head of the Project Management Unit
(Temporary Agent grade AD 10)
Ref.: CAJU 02 – 2023 Head of the Project Management Unit
Please send us your application by no later than 30th of May 2023 at 23:59 (Brussels time), following the instructions in the ANNEX I
Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking is the largest European research programme in aeronautics, developing innovative, cutting-edge technology aimed at increasing commercial aircraft efficiency. The main objective of the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking should be to contribute to reducing the ecological footprint of aviation by accelerating the development of climate neutral aviation technologies for their earliest possible deployment, therefore significantly contributing to the ambitious environment impact mitigation goals of the European Green Deal and Regulation (EU) 2021/1119 of the European Parliament and of the Council, that is to say a 55 % emissions reduction by 2030 compared to 1990 levels, and climate neutrality at the latest by 2050.
As of 30 of November 2021 the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (CAJU) is the legal and universal successor of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking (CS2JU) in accordance with the COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2021/2085 of 19 November 2021.
The Clean Aviation JU is located in Brussels, Belgium.
For further information, please consult the following website: https://www.clean-aviation.eu/
1. General profile of the post
Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking is looking for an experienced, dynamic, and committed leader who will be appointed as Head of the Project Management Unit.
The role of this Head of Unit includes the management and steering of the JU projects’ portfolio towards the JU objectives and impact, the definition of the unit’s objectives, the organisation of the JU calls evaluations, the monitoring of projects as defined in the work programme and the planning and the organisation of the work within the unit.
The mission of this Head of Unit is to support the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking on dealing with:
- the management of a unit composed of approx. 10 staff members
- the calls coordination, the evaluation and selection of projects through open calls in line with the Work Programme content and the applicable rules
- ensuring the implementation of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and Work Programme objectives through the portfolio of projects
- ensuring the continuous monitoring, assessment of progress, risks management and technical achievements of projects towards the SRIA and Work Programme objectives
- supporting the extraction of knowledge, solutions, and key achievements from projects towards the reduction of the ecological footprint of aviation
- performing the validation of costs and deliverables/results, the projects regular reviews with the support by external experts
- ensuring the definition and the implementation of action plans as agreed as a result of technical reviews and audits
- ensuring the dissemination of project results/outcomes and the validation and monitoring of the plans for exploitations towards the SRIA and Work Programme objectives
- ensuring the regular reporting of the unit activities to the Executive Director and to the Governing Board
- ensuring the implementation of internal management rules and guidance in the field of grant management, delivery of key milestones and deliverables payments, amendments, risk management, planning, coordination, and synergies amongst projects and contribution to the SRIA and programme High-Level Goals.
He / She will contribute to the overall priorities and positive performance of the JU organization by ensuring the fulfilment of KPIs and targets relevant to the areas of responsibilities and operations of the Project Management unit including:
- Time to Grant (TTG) in the open calls and Time to Pay (TTP) of grant agreements
- Error rates ratio in the grant agreements
- Timely and accurate inputs to the definition of the Work Programme Annual Activity Report
- Deliverables, milestones, and grant agreements execution
The post-holder reports to the Executive Director.
2. Specific duties and responsibilities
More specifically, the Head of the Project Management Unit is responsible to:
• Lead all aspects related to the management and implementation of projects part of the Clean Aviation Programme and report to the Executive Director (ED)
• Propose, implement and monitor the application of dedicated rules and procedures for an efficient management of the projects in accordance with the Single Basic Act and any CAJU implementing measures
• Advise and coordinate the project management process ensuring the coordination of operational activities across the project’s organizational structure: ensuring consistency, coherence, and the achievement of the objectives
• Coordinate with the other units to ensure interfaces and synergies amongst the units and an effective and coherent management of the CAJU processes
• Manage and coordinate the Calls for Proposals process from the launch of the call until the grant signature, in line with the Work Programme and applicable rules
• Propose and monitor the relevant KPIs and other inputs for internal control and develop and implement the Projects’ risk management process
• Maintain the alignment of projects content and objectives with the technical roadmaps of the programme and identify any possible evolutions to maintain the objectives and deliver the expected impact as defined in the call topics and Work Programme
• Support the implementation of the impact monitoring principles in alignment with the Head of the Programme Development and Communications unit and provide the necessary information to inform the technical committee on progress, achievements and critical issues/technical difficulties with the aim to develop and maintain the technological roadmap and strategy of the programme
• Identify any major risk, non-performance or technical difficulties which may cause major impact on the expected results and agree with the Head of the Programme Development and Communications Unit any possible appropriate evolution of the project(s) activities to maintain the Programme’s high-level objectives
• Coordinate within the JU and provide input for the Work Programme relating to the project implementation and outcomes
• Coordinate the operational aspects of the Grant Management process in close cooperation with the other units ensuring the correct and timely implementation of all Grant Agreements and/or their amendments
• Ensure adequate information flow within the JU for the implementation of the JU programme for all aspects (legal, financial, project control, audit, risk management)
• Ensure adequate information flow to the other actors involved in JU activities including the Members of the JU to optimise efficiency and the effectiveness of the targeted results
• Coordinate within the JU management team for the updating of the JU management plan, Management manual and Quality manual.
3. Eligibility criteria
To be considered eligible for selection, an applicant must have met by the closing date of this call, the following formal requirements:
• Be national of one of the Member States of the EU and enjoy full rights as citizens.
• Education:
a) a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the normal period of university education is four years or more, OR
b) a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and appropriate professional experience of at least one year when the normal period of university education is at least three years.
• Produce evidence of a thorough knowledge of one of the languages of the European Union, preferably English, and a satisfactory knowledge of another language of the European Union to the extent necessary for the performance of his/her duties.
• Produce the appropriate character references as to their suitability for the performance of duties of the post.
• Have fulfilled any obligations imposed by applicable laws concerning military service.
• Be physically fit to perform the duties linked to the post. Before being engaged, a member of the temporary staff shall be medically examined by one of the institution's medical officers in line with the requirement of Art. 12(2)(d) of the CEOS.
4. Selection criteria
Candidates selected on the above eligibility criteria will then be evaluated according to the following selection criteria.
4.1 Essential qualifications and experience
Have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies of four years in the fields relevant to the post (Master of Science in engineering or any other field deemed relevant for the post).
After obtaining the diploma described above the applicant must have:
• a minimum professional experience of at least twelve years in fields related to the specific duties and responsibilities (see point 2). Professional experience will be counted from the date on which the applicant acquired the minimum qualification for access to the profile in question until the deadline of this vacancy.
• Proven thorough knowledge of the European aviation industry, its challenges towards a net zero aviation, its players / actors and the relationships between these actors and networking ability
• At least 6 years of
- team management experience (please indicate the size of the teams, the number of years)
- Aviation R&I or R&D budget management (please indicate the funding managed on yearly basis)
- management of large, complex and critical trans-national projects within ambitious timelines and proven track record of delivery of results.
4.2 Advantageous qualifications and experience:
• Knowledge of EU Institutions’ Multi-Financial Framework and budgetary procedures
• Knowledge of EU Institutions’ policies and activities in the field of Aviation R&I and/or other linked EU policies, industrial sectors and funding programmes
• Knowledge of Horizon Europe Framework Programme with specific focus on large industrial programmes.
4.3 Proven capability to perform the specific duties and responsibilities:
4.3.1 Negotiation skills and problem solving
Ability to contribute to building a common vision with the stakeholders and effectively engaging with them to share and commit to this vision
Ability to steer difficult positions and negotiate with stakeholders
Demonstrated experience in large-scale and complex business negotiations
Demonstrated ability to accurately analyse and identify obstacles or issues, pro-active and problem-solving approach.
4.3.2 Organisational and communication skills
Ability to define rules and procedures and to propose implementing modalities
Excellent interpersonal, written and oral communication skills, with demonstrated ability to communicate both scientific and business information at all levels inside and outside the organization.
Ability to clearly communicate goals and offer the adequate means for their achievement to the staff under his/her responsibility
4.3.3 Management of people and organisation
Proven track record of people management as well as non-hierarchical management
Ability to coordinate and work effectively with others at all levels of the organization (i.e. team members, senior leaders and coordinators groups) in a dynamic multicultural environment
Ability to work in matrix organisation and to build effective and strong relationships with peers.
Ability to effectively lead and implement organisational changes.
5. Conditions of employment
The place of employment is Brussels, where the JU’s premises are located.
The successful candidate will be appointed by the Executive Director of the JU as a Temporary Agent, pursuant to Article 2(f) of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union, for a period of 3 years. The successful candidate will be recruited as Temporary Agent Grade AD 10.
Subject to budget availability, after an evaluation of the post holder's performance and the needs of the service, the contract may be renewed not more than once for a fixed period. Any further renewal will be for an indefinite period (In line with provisions of art. 8 of the CEOS). The period of engagement will not in any case exceed the lifetime of the JU.
Candidates should note the requirement under the Staff Regulations/ CEOS for all new staff to successfully complete a probationary period of 9 months.
Remuneration will be based on the Union scale of salaries. Pay is subject to Union tax and other deductions laid down in the Staff Regulations. The pay of staff members consists of a basic salary supplemented with specific allowances, including expatriation or family allowances. The provisions guiding the calculation of these allowances can be consulted in the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants available at the following address: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CONSLEG:1962R0031:20140101:EN:PDF
6. Selection procedure
A pre-selection committee is nominated by the Appointing Authority of the JU. Each application is checked to verify whether the candidate meets the eligibility criteria.
All the eligible applications are evaluated by the pre-selection committee based on the elements of the application and having regard to the Vacancy Notice. After the screening of the applications, the pre-selection committee will draw up a shortlist of candidates who correspond best to the profile sought. On this basis, shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview with the pre-selection committee, which will be complemented by a written test.
As a result of those assessments, the pre-selection committee will recommend the most suitable candidates to be interviewed by the Executive Director and one JU member of a grade and management function equal or superior to that of the function to be filled. Those candidates shall also take part in an Assessment Centre. The assessment centre shall evaluate the applicants' potential and shall provide an in-depth analysis of managerial skills. The result of the assessment centre shall be taken into consideration by the appointing authority.
Following the interview with the Executive Director and considering the results of interview and written test with the selection committee, as well as the results of the assessment centre, the reserve list of successful candidates who most correspond to the profile sought, will be established.
7. Appointment and reserve list
The Executive Director will select from the reserve list the successful candidate and offer the post.
A binding commitment can only be made after the verification of all conditions and will take the form of a contract signed by the Executive Director. Recruitment will be based on availability of posts and budget. Candidates should note that inclusion in the reserve list does not guarantee recruitment.
The reserve list for this post will be valid 24 months after the Executive Director has approved the reserve list and may be extended at the discretion of the Appointing Authority of the CAJU.
8. Equal opportunities
The CAJU, as a Union body, applies a policy of equal opportunities and non-discrimination in accordance with Article 1d of the Staff Regulations.
9. Closing date
Applications must be submitted by 30th of May at 23:59 (Brussels time). The closing date of this vacancy may be extended.
Clean Aviation
Brussels, Belgique
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